Hypoglycaemia And Allergy

Hypoglycaemia And Allergy
Hypoglycaemia is commonly found in people suffering from masked food allergies. It occurs when the body does not have enough blood sugar.

If a person has eaten excessive carbohydrate, over many years, especially refined carbohydrate such as white flour and sugar, the pancreas becomes stressed to the point where it ceases to operate normally - a very common problem today. These eating habits alter the normal, gentle production of insulin by the pancreas to that of rapid insulin output because of the excessive demands placed on it by so much carbohydrate. The human body was simply not designed to deal with the excessive amounts of carbohydrate in our so-called civilized diet. The pancreas becomes used to producing excessive amounts of insulin to cope with the large rises in blood sugar, brought about by constant carbohydrate ingestion. Finally, it becomes overstressed and tired. In this confused state, a small rise in blood sugar will often cause it to produce a disproportionate amount of insulin, resulting in low blood sugar and subsequent hypoglycaemia.

Connection between hypoglycaemia and allergy:

This is of particular importance to sufferers of masked food allergies, which, invariably, involve many of the carbohydrate foods, often in the form of refined carbohydrates, such as cereal flours and refined sugars. The need for these people to snack constantly or 'binge' on their favourite (addictive) foods, coupled with the probability that they have been excessive eaters of these foods for many years, makes them inevitable targets for hypoglycaemia. During the phase of hypoglycaemia, the individual suffers from faintness, palpitations, nausea and excessive sweating. In order to overcome these distressing symptoms, he immediately eats more refined carbohydrate, which in turn stimulates further insulin production, so that the symptoms then return. Thus, a vicious circle becomes established, due to the demands made on the pancreas by the persistent ingestion of refined carbohydrates. This would have been brought about by chronic, addictive, masked allergy to one, or more, foods, which is unknown to the sufferer.

Clinical ecologists can often relate the hypoglycaemic reaction to a specific carbohydrate, by the use of a glucose tolerance test. This allows them to identify the offending allergen, which for years may have been causing untold distress and suffering to the person concerned.

Hypoglycaemia and poor nutrition

American allergists believe that a drop in blood sugar can be caused by eating foods to which you are, unknowingly, allergic. The reason being that internal stress is caused by any allergic substance. Hormonal stress can cause a fall in blood sugar. Studies in America have discovered that up to 90 per cent of American prison inmates have hypoglycaemia, resulting from poor nutrition. This leads to severe psychological and behavioural problems. Once diets are corrected, a dramatic improvement in attitude can result. These people can be said to be the really unlucky victims of food intolerance. Unfortunately, whilst some prisons are taking steps to improve diet, others are not. Such a case is the Alabama prison which feeds inmates on hamburgers and other fast foods.
About the Author
Author sites: Self Help , Herbal Remedies and Home Remedies

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