Undue Trouble: Airborne Allergy

Airborne allergies can affect anyone at any time of the day. There is no specification as to what may cause an outbreak of allergy. Certain people suffer from bouts of sneezing in the garden or countryside. In this case, pollen is the most likely culprit causing airborne allergy. Different types of pollen like that of different flowers or pollen from the grass also cause allergic reactions. Dust mites found in the bedding is another major cause of airborne allergy. Some people are allergic to dust of chemicals found in cement at construction sites while others are allergic to animal fur.

Causes Of Airborne Allergy

You can pinpoint the cause of the airborne allergy by observing the symptoms and places where you visit or the time of the year when you suffer from the allergy. You can instantly know that you are allergic to dog fur if you play with a dog and you start to itch. While visiting a construction site, if you start to sneeze continuously you know that this is an allergic reaction to chemicals or dust.

As many as 20 percent of people suffering from airborne diseases are allergic to mould spores. Most people are allergic to other airborne particles and mould spores are an added problem. Mould easily grows in bathrooms, kitchen, under the wallpaper, on wooden window frames, plant soil, rotted wood, and grass cuttings.

House dust mites, also called dermatophagoides petronyssinus, eat the skin flakes present in house dust. They are extremely tiny and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Made of 80 percent water, these mites thrive on dusty and damp spots. Dust mites and their waste product are the most common cause of airborne allergies. People are also allergic to animal fur or, rather, their saliva that drops as pets move around in the house.

Treatment For Airborne Allergy

People prone to airborne allergy must avoid the causes of allergies. Doctors prescribe certain drugs that help treat airborne allergy. First line treatments like anti-inflammatory nasal sprays, antihistamines- sprays and drops, and decongestant combinations bring relief from airborne allergies. When these fail to provide relief the second line treatment is used. These consist of decongestant sprays and tablets.

Prevention is always better than cure. It not only saves your time and money, but also the trouble of going through pain. Thus, before you learn how to identify the common symptoms of allergy and treat it properly, it is essential to know the allergens that cause allergy. A thorough knowledge on the various harmful allergens will help you to be on your guard and protect yourself from these allergy causing allergens.

About the Author
Jason Uvios writes on the topic of "Undue Trouble:Airborne Allergy" visit it:
http://www.allergy-reliefnow.info, http://www.allergystop.info and http://www.allergynow.info

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